Master Keys of Stewardship: 10 Keys About God and the Christian Life

Author: Paul J. Meyer

Since everything is God’s creation, then we are at best stewards over what He has entrusted to us. Stewards accept and manage what God entrusts to them. So, as stewards, what do we need to know about God and the Christian life? We need to operate according to the following ten master keys of stewardship:

#1 — God is the Creator and Supreme Giver. Everything is His by right of creation. In every area of life, this truth has its impact. Just think about it: It’s all His!

#2 — God is the sustainer of all things. Since He created it, it is His job to sustain it all. Our job is to be obedient and to accomplish His will, not to worry about doing the sustaining ourselves.

#3 — God is the One who enables us to accomplish far more than we could ask or imagine. It’s all a result of Him. He gives us the power to get wealth. Work is still required of us, but He is the One who takes what we have and makes it what it can become.

#4 — God is a God of abundance. God has more than enough. There is no shortage of anything, at any time, in any area, with Him. We must simply desire His mindset and work according to His parameters.

#5 — God is a God of grace. The fact that God is a God of grace is very good news for every one of us. The very grace we have is a gift from Him. He gave us everything, including grace.

#6 — The Bible is a Christian’s chief compass. God’s written Word contains every truth that Christians hold dear. In the area of stewardship, much is said that directly guides us, benefits us, and blesses others.

#7 — Christians are called to live lives of stewardship. It is our calling to be stewards. The fact that we are stewards affects us in every area of life. It’s who we are.

#8 — Christians are called to manage all that God has entrusted to them. God is the owner, we are the managers, and the roles never change. When we operate according to this truth, the only question to answer is, “How can I best manage what has been entrusted to me?”

#9 — A Christian’s attitude toward possessions on earth is important to God. Any possession we have is a gift from God. So, possessions are not a right/wrong issue — they are an owner/manager issue. How we view possessions is of great importance to Him.

#10 — Earthly possessions and eternal rewards are linked. A vital link exists between how Christians use earthly possessions and the eternal rewards that Christians receive. The Bible often calls the result of good stewardship “fruit” that Christians will receive in heaven.

Allow these eternal principles to impact your life so that you can impact the lives around you even more!
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About the Author

Since 1960, New York Times best-selling author and one of the founders of the self-improvement industry, Paul J. Meyer, has helped people become masters of stewardship. To learn many of the techniques that Paul uses for good stewardship, order Master Keys of Stewardship – Truths that Guide Our Actions as Stewards today, available at

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